work life balance

Checklist To Help Your Employees Achieve Work-Life Balance

When your employees are giving their all, your business flourishes, but here’s the thing: nobody can give their best if they are being burnt out. That’s why it is crucial to help your people achieve a healthy balance between work and their personal lives if you want them to excel.

Now, let’s dig deeper into why work life balance matters and equip yourselves with a handy checklist to help your employees find that balance!

How work life balance is defined

Work life balance refers to the equilibrium between an individual’s professional responsibilities and their personal life. It involves allocating time and energy to both work-related activities and personal goals, ensuring no aspect dominates, or the other is neglected.

Some primary characteristics of work-life balance include:

  • Time: Achieving a work life balance involves effectively managing time between work commitments and personal activities. It means setting boundaries and prioritizing tasks to create a harmonious time distribution.
  • Emotional well-being: Work-life balance recognizes the importance of maintaining emotional well-being with fulfillment and satisfaction both in professional endeavors and personal relationships, resulting in overall happiness and contentment.
  • Flexibility: Workers have the freedom to adjust work schedules or arrangements to accommodate their personal needs and responsibilities, thus promoting a sense of control and reducing stress.
  • Health and wellness: It involves taking care of one’s health through regular exercise, proper nutrition, and self-care practices, enabling individuals to perform optimally in both professional and personal spheres.
  • Boundaries and separation: Establishing clear boundaries means setting limits on working hours, avoiding work-related activities during personal time, and carving out dedicated moments for relaxation and leisure.
  • Fulfilling personal relationships: Work-life balance recognizes the importance of nurturing personal relationships. Investing time and effort helps maintain solid connections with family, friends, and loved ones, as these relationships contribute to overall happiness and well-being.
  • Personal growth and development: Work-life balance allows individuals to pursue personal interests, hobbies, and self-improvement. It acknowledges continuous learning, growth, and self-discovery outside of work-related responsibilities.

Benefits of work-life balance

Benefits of work life balance for the company

  • Reduced Employee Turnover

When employees feel supported by their companies in maintaining a healthy balance between their work and personal lives, they are more likely to experience job satisfaction and remain with the organization for a longer duration. As a result, the companies can reduce the costs associated with recruiting, onboarding, and training new employees.

  • Improved Engagement
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Work-life balance has a positive impact on employee engagement. When employees are able to allocate time and energy to their personal lives, they come to work feeling refreshed and motivated. This increased engagement leads to higher productivity and a greater willingness to go above and beyond in their roles.

  • Higher Morale

A work environment that promotes work-life balance fosters higher morale among employees. When individuals have the flexibility to tend to personal responsibilities and pursue personal interests, they experience a sense of support and well-being. This positive morale translates into a more positive workplace with enhanced teamwork and overall employee satisfaction.

  • Better Company Reputation

Companies that prioritize work-life balance will develop a reputation as employee-friendly organizations. This reputation attracts top talent and positions the company as an employer of choice. Meanwhile, a positive company reputation for work-life balance enhances the organization’s brand image and can increase customer loyalty and support.

Benefits of work-life balance for employees

  • Personal Growth

Work-life balance allows employees to invest time in personal growth and development. They have the opportunity to pursue hobbies, interests, and activities outside of work that contribute to their personal fulfillment. This personal growth enhances their overall well-being and expands their knowledge and skills.

  • Better Overall Well-being

Achieving work-life balance positively impacts employees’ overall well-being. When individuals have time for self-care and meaningful connections with family and friends, they obtain enhanced emotional and mental well-being. This status, in turn, improves their physical health, reduces the likelihood of burnout, and improves their work productivity.

  • Less Stress

When individuals have time for activities they enjoy, such as exercise, hobbies, or spending time with loved ones, they will get a valuable stress reduction and relaxation outlet. The ability to decompress outside of work helps employees return to their professional responsibilities with renewed energy.

  • Increased Productivity

Contrary to the belief that working longer hours equates to greater productivity, work-life balance actually enhances employee productivity. When individuals have time to recharge and maintain a healthy work-life balance, they can focus, think creatively, and manage their work-related responsibilities effectively. This increased productivity stems from a sense of well-being, reduced stress, and higher job satisfaction.

How can you support your employees to achieve work-life balance?

Flexible schedule

Hybrid work schedules are becoming more common and can really help employees balance their work and personal lives. In a recent survey, over 70 percent of employers said they have at least some staff on a hybrid schedule.

Employees really like hybrid work because it lets them create a schedule that works best for them. They can choose when and where they work based on their own preferences, work style, and personal responsibilities. This flexibility makes employees feel appreciated and in control, which boosts their happiness and loyalty to the company.

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Create a culture that promotes health and well-being

While some employees openly communicate when they are overwhelmed, others struggle silently, even if it is harming their mental or physical health. Keeping a close eye on your team’s workloads is essential to prevent burnout, thus keeping job satisfaction high, and creating a healthier and more balanced work environment.

You can do this by organizing regular meetings to discuss work progress, using tools to track projects and workloads to find areas that need attention, and involving your team in setting realistic expectations before making commitments to clients or stakeholders.

Encourage staff to go on holidays

It can be tough for them to disconnect from work, but taking time off is really important for preventing burnout and taking care of your employees’ mental and physical health. Whether it’s a short 15-minute break or a few days of paid time off, having time away from work helps employees come back with more energy and new ideas.

To encourage a culture that values time off, it is important to have clear rules about breaks, vacations, personal days, and sick leave. It is also crucial to create an environment where employees feel safe and supported when they take time off without worrying about being judged or facing negative consequences.

Support employees to build social connections

Doing activities together as a team helps bring everyone closer and makes the team stronger. Even simple things like having lunch together can build trust and improve how well the team works. 

Having casual conversations with your employees, like asking about a game they watched last night, is actually really important. Team events and friendly chats help make the team closer and strengthen the bond between employees.

Provide mental health resources

Providing employees with mental health resources, such as employee assistance programs, wellness workshops, and training, is instrumental in helping them achieve work-life balance. These resources enable employees to manage stress, address emotional well-being, build resilience, and develop self-care practices. 

They can set healthy boundaries and prioritize their well-being by equipping employees with the necessary tools and strategies to navigate work and personal life challenges. This balance, in turn, leads to improved productivity, engagement, and overall satisfaction with their work. 

Offer more useful benefits

The perks that employees want can vary depending on where you work, how big the company is, and who your coworkers are. These perks can make employees happier, help them balance their work and personal lives, and even improve their health. But before offering any perks, it’s essential to ask your team what they would like and make sure it’s something that will truly benefit them.

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Here are some examples of perks that employees often appreciate:

  • Gym memberships
  • Yoga or fitness classes at the workplace
  • Programs that promote wellness
  • Counseling services for support

The best perks are the ones that are customized to fit the interests and needs of your specific team.

How technologies can help support work-life balance

Technology can play a significant role in supporting work-life balance by offering various benefits that make work more efficient and enjoyable. Here are some ways technology can help:

  • Accelerate workflows with less effort

Technology tools can make our work faster and easier. Technology tools, such as Acall hybrid work platform, can streamline workflows and make tasks easier to complete. These platforms allow for seamless communication, collaboration, and file sharing, reducing the time and effort required to complete work. This efficiency gives employees more time to focus on their personal lives and achieve a better work-life balance.

  • Enhance work quality

Technology can improve the quality of work by providing access to advanced tools and resources. For example, software applications and online platforms can automate repetitive tasks, minimize errors, and offer real-time feedback. This facility allows employees to deliver higher-quality work in less time, freeing up additional time for personal activities and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

  • Offer access to health resources

Technology can give employees access to various health resources that support their well-being. For instance, numerous mobile apps and wearable devices help track physical activity, monitor sleep patterns, and encourage healthy habits. 

Additionally, telehealth platforms enable employees to access medical professionals remotely, saving time and making healthcare more accessible. By leveraging these technologies, employees can prioritize their health and well-being, improving their work-life balance.


Supporting your employees in achieving work-life balance is crucial for their well-being and overall productivity. By following the checklist provided and implementing strategies such as flexible work arrangements, promoting self-care, and offering mental health resources, you can create a positive work environment that fosters a healthy balance between work and personal life. 

Remember, Acall is here to help! Contact Acall to learn more about our hybrid work platform and how it can streamline workflows and contribute to a better work-life balance for your team. Take the first step towards creating a fulfilling work environment today!

1. What is work-life balance and why is it important?

Work-life balance involves managing professional responsibilities and personal life in a way that reduces stress and prevents burnout. It’s crucial for maintaining employee health, happiness, and productivity.

2. How can offering flexible schedules improve work-life balance?

Flexible schedules allow employees to adjust their working hours to better fit personal commitments and preferences, which can lead to reduced stress and increased job satisfaction.

3. In what ways can technology support work-life balance?

Technology can facilitate remote work, streamline tasks, automate processes, and enable efficient time management, all of which contribute to a healthier work-life balance.

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