employee experience strategy

What You Need To Know To Design A Successful Employee Experience Strategy

Creating an employee experience strategy that is favorable for the duration of an individual’s journey inside a firm is crucial in today’s dynamic workplaces. A strong employee experience plan improves hiring and onboarding, and it’s important for growth, retention, and even the leave phase. Such a thorough book explores the important phases of the employee experience, the elements that shape it, and the doable tasks involved in creating a plan that promotes a vibrant and stimulating work environment.

5 Employee experience strategy


  • Source of Hire: Identify the most successful channels for finding and attracting top talent.
  • Candidate Journey Mapping: Understand the candidate’s experience from application to hiring decision.
  • Quality of Hire: Evaluate the performance and contribution of new hires over time.


  • Onboarding Feedback Trends: Analyze trends in feedback to improve the onboarding process continuously.
  • Integration Speed: Measure how quickly new employees become integrated into their teams.
  • Cross-Functional Collaboration: Assess collaboration between HR, managers, and other departments during onboarding.


  • Training Effectiveness Index: Evaluate the impact of training programs on job performance and skills development.
  • Succession Planning Data: Identify and groom potential future leaders within the organization.
  • Employee Development Plans: Track the creation and execution of individualized development plans.


  • Turnover Cost Analysis: Calculate the financial impact of employee turnover on the organization.
  • Employee Net Promoter Score (NPS): Measure employees’ likelihood to recommend the organization as a place to work.
  • Flexible Work Arrangement Utilization: Monitor the adoption of flexible work options and its impact on retention.


  • Time-to-Feedback: Measure the time taken to collect feedback from departing employees after entry.
  • Boomerang Employee Data: Track the number of employees who leave and return to the organization.
  • Impact on Team Morale: Assess how employee exits impact the morale and productivity of the remaining team members.
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3 components that make up the employee experience

Company culture

Company culture is the bedrock of the employee experience, representing the shared values, beliefs, and behaviors that define the working atmosphere within an organization. A positive company culture establishes employees’ sense of identity, purpose, and community. It encompasses various aspects, including:

  • Values and Beliefs: The core values upheld by an organization reflect its identity and principles. Employees who align with these values will likely feel a stronger sense of connection and purpose.
  • Leadership Style: The leadership style within an organization profoundly influences its culture. Transparent, inclusive, and supportive leadership fosters trust and collaboration among employees.
  • Communication Practices: Open and effective communication is vital for a positive company culture. Clear communication channels contribute to a transparent work environment, reducing misunderstandings and fostering a sense of unity.


Technology plays a pivotal role in shaping the employee experience in the contemporary workplace. The tools and systems provided to employees influence their efficiency, collaboration, and overall job satisfaction. Critical aspects of technology in the employee experience include:

  • Digital Tools and Platforms: The availability and effectiveness of digital tools impact how employees perform their tasks. From project management software to communication platforms, technology shapes the day-to-day work experience.
  • Training and Development: Technology facilitates learning and development opportunities. Online training modules, webinars, and digital resources contribute to continuous skill enhancement, positively impacting the employee’s professional growth.
  • Remote Work Infrastructure: The rise of remote work has highlighted the importance of technology in creating a seamless virtual work environment. Accessible and reliable technology infrastructure is crucial for remote collaboration and communication.
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Workplace environment

The physical and virtual spaces where employees work significantly impact their overall experience. A well-designed workplace environment encompasses various elements that contribute to employee well-being, satisfaction, and productivity:

  • Physical Workspace: The design and layout of office spaces influence employee comfort, collaboration, and creativity. A well-designed physical workspace promotes a positive atmosphere and encourages interaction among employees.
  • Flexibility and Remote Work: Offering flexibility, including remote work options, contributes to a positive workplace environment. Flexibility aligns with the changing dynamics of work and helps employees achieve a better work life balance.
  • Wellness Programs: Employee well-being is a critical aspect of the workplace environment. Wellness programs, including fitness initiatives, mental health support, and ergonomic considerations, contribute to a healthier and more engaged workforce.

Steps to design an employee experience strategy

1. Implement a people-first culture in your company: Foster a workplace culture that prioritizes the well-being and satisfaction of employees. This involves creating an environment where employees feel valued, heard, and supported. Leadership should actively demonstrate and promote a people-first mindset, emphasizing the importance of each team member.

2. Collect employee feedback: Actively seek input from employees to understand their perspectives and experiences. Implement regular surveys, interviews, or focus groups to gather feedback on various aspects of the workplace, including culture, leadership, and work processes. Honest and transparent communication channels should be established to encourage open dialogue.

3. Determine areas of improvement: Analyze the collected feedback to identify areas that need improvement. This may include aspects such as communication gaps, work processes, or issues related to work-life balance. By pinpointing specific areas that impact the employee experience, organizations can tailor their strategies to address these concerns effectively.

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4. Map the employee journey: Develop a comprehensive understanding of the employee journey from onboarding to offboarding. Identify key touchpoints and moments that shape the overall experience. This mapping process helps visualize the various stages of an employee’s tenure, allowing organizations to pinpoint critical areas where interventions can enhance the overall experience.

5. Prepare an action plan with clear objectives: Create a detailed action plan with clear objectives based on the identified areas of improvement and the employee journey map. Define specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. 

6. Invest in appropriate technology: Leverage technology to support and enhance the employee experience. This may involve implementing tools for communication, collaboration, performance management, and learning and development. 


The journey through recruitment, onboarding, development, retention, and exit shapes the overall employee experience and significantly impacts an organization’s success.

As you refine your employee experience strategy, consider the comprehensive solutions Acall offers. Contact Acall to transform your workplace experience and foster a culture of success, engagement, and growth.

1. What are the three core components of an employee experience (EX) strategy?

The three core components are company culture, which shapes the social and psychological environment; technology, which affects the ease and efficiency of work; and the workplace environment, which influences comfort and functionality for employees.

2. Why is company culture important in an employee experience strategy?

Company culture is crucial because it sets the tone for daily interactions and the overall work atmosphere, impacting employee morale, engagement, and the sense of belonging and purpose within the company.

3. How does technology play a role in shaping employee experience?

Technology streamlines workflows, enables seamless communication, and supports flexible working arrangements. It is vital for an efficient and positive employee experience, particularly in today’s digital and often remote work landscapes.

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